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WWDC22 UIKit 新变化

Published: at 11:15 PM

今年的 What’s New in UIKit Session 主要包括以下几个方面

我按照业务理解和适配进度的优先级,对 session 内容进行了重新排序和整理,对 @ferhanakkan 的仓库进行了一些改动,以下为我的总结。

API 改进

在 iOS 16 中部分 API 废弃,需要开发者进行适配,同时有一些新能力可以实现。



iOS 16 为 配备了 M1 芯片的 iPad 以及 Mac 带来了 Stage Manager (台前调度)功能,作为应用开发者无需对代码进行改动即可适用该功能。

💡 在 iOS 13 前开发单窗口的 App,由 UIApplication 负责 App 状态,UIApplicationDelegateAppDelegate)负责 App 事件和生命周期,然而这种模式不适用于开发多窗口的 iPad App 或 Mac Catalyst App。 iOS 13 引入了构建多窗口应用的 UIScene,并对功能职责进行了重新拆分,将 UI 相关的状态、事件和生命周期交与 UIWindowSceneUIWindowSceneDelegateSceneDelegate)负责,UISceneSession 负责持久化的 UI 状态。

如果仍在使用旧版本的 UIScreen API,有必要迁移到新的 UITraitCollectionUIScene API

Apple Developer Documentation

自适应大小 cell

UICollectionViewUITableView 的 cell 支持了自适应调整大小能力。控制自适应调整大小的是 selfSizingInvalidation 属性,默认开启。

class UICollectionView {
		// Default is .enabled
    var.selfSizingInvalidation: SelfSizingInvalidation

@available(iOS 16.0, *)
    public enum SelfSizingInvalidation : Int, @unchecked Sendable {

        /// No updates will take place when -invalidateIntrinsicContentSize is called on a self-sizing cell or its contentView.
        case disabled = 0

        /// Calling -invalidateIntrinsicContentSize on a self-sizing cell or its contentView will cause it to be resized if necessary.
        case enabled = 1

        /// Calling -invalidateIntrinsicContentSize on a self-sizing cell or its contentView will cause it to be resized if necessary, and
        /// any Auto Layout changes within the contentView of a self-sizing cell will automatically trigger -invalidateIntrinsicContentSize.
        case enabledIncludingConstraints = 2

默认情况下 cell 自适应调整大小会伴随着动画,可以在 invalidateIntrinsicContentSize 方法外包一层 performWithoutAnimation 从而取消调整大小时的动画。

@objc private func didTapCollapseButton() {
        label.text = Constants.shortText

@objc private func didTapCollapseWithoutAnimationButton() {
        label.text = Constants.shortText
        UIView.performWithoutAnimation {


UICollectionViewUITableView 将 cell 自适应大小的 invalidation 行为智能合并处理,并在最佳时间执行更新。


在 iOS 15 上苹果推出了表单展示控件,可以通过简单的代码 present 出 .medium().large() 两种大小的底部表单。

// on iOS 15
let vc = UINavigationController(rootViewController: DemoViewController())
if let sheet = vc.sheetPresentationController {
		sheet.detents = [.medium(), .large()]
self.present(vc, animated: true)




在 iOS 16 上苹果开放了 UISheetPresentationController.Detent.Identifier 提供了自定义的能力。


@MainActor open class Detent : NSObject {
        open class func medium() -> Self
        open class func large() -> Self

        @available(iOS 16.0, *)
        open var identifier: UISheetPresentationController.Detent.Identifier { get }

// Create a custom detent
sheet.detents = [
    .custom { context in
        0.3 * context.maximumDetentValue

更标准的做法是通过自定义 identifier 定制表单展示控件的高度。

// Define a custom identifier
extension UISheetPresentationController.Detent.Identifier {
    static let small = UISheetPresentationController.Detent.Identifier("small")

// Assign identifier to custom detent
sheet.detents = [
    .custom (identifier: .small) { context in
        0.3 * context.maximumDetentValue

// Disable dimming above the custom detent
sheet.largestUndimmedDetentIdentifier = .small

在使用的过程总需要注意表单展示控件高度不包含 SafeAreaInsets,计算布局时需要注意。


UI 控件


在 iOS 16 前在 app 内执行复制粘贴操作会在顶部显示banner,在 iOS 16上 banner 被 alert 所取代。仍然由系统自动提示,根据用户的选项允许剪贴板内容访问。



开发者可以用新加入的 UIPasteControl 作为粘贴控件替换这个 alert,可以在这里找到相关文档。

fileprivate lazy var pasteControl: UIPasteControl = {
        let pasteControlConfig = UIPasteControl.Configuration()
        pasteControlConfig.baseBackgroundColor = .systemBlue
        pasteControlConfig.baseForegroundColor = .white
        pasteControlConfig.cornerRadius = 5.0
        pasteControlConfig.displayMode = .iconAndLabel
        let pasteControl = UIPasteControl(configuration: pasteControlConfig) = self
        return pasteControl
    } ()

// MARK: UIPasteConfigurationSupporting
    override func canPaste(_ itemProviders: [NSItemProvider]) -> Bool {
        return true
    override func paste(itemProviders: [NSItemProvider]) {
        if let itemProvider = itemProviders.first {
            if itemProvider.canLoadObject(ofClass: NSString.self) {
                itemProvider.loadObject(ofClass: NSString.self) { (text, error) in
                    if text != nil {
                        DispatchQueue.main.async {
                            self.label.text = text as? String





UIPageControl 在 iOS 16 上得到了增强,主要包括以下两点

  1. 可以针对不同的选中状态展示不同的图像

    /// The preferred image for the current page indicator. Symbol images are recommended. Default is nil.
        /// If this value is nil, then UIPageControl will use \c preferredPageIndicatorImage (or its per-page variant) as
        /// the indicator image.
        @available(iOS 16.0, *)
        open var preferredCurrentPageIndicatorImage: UIImage?
  2. 可以设置布局方向为水平或垂直

    /// The layout direction of the page indicators. The default value is \c UIPageControlDirectionNatural.
        @available(iOS 16.0, *)
        open var direction: UIPageControl.Direction
    @available(iOS 16.0, *)
        public enum Direction : Int, @unchecked Sendable {
            /// Page indicators are laid out in the natural direction of the system locale.
            /// By default, this is equivalent to @c UIPageControlDirectionLeftToRight on LTR locales, and
            /// @c UIPageControlDirectionRightToLeft on RTL locales.
            case natural = 0
            /// Page indicators are laid out from left to right.
            case leftToRight = 1
            /// Page indicators are laid out from right to left.
            case rightToLeft = 2
            /// Page indicators are laid out from top to bottom.
            case topToBottom = 3
            /// Page indicators are laid out from bottom to top.
            case bottomToTop = 4

GitHub上的 @ferhanakkan 提供了以下 Demo。

private lazy var pageControl: UIPageControl = {
        $0.backgroundColor = .orange
        $0.layer.cornerRadius = 8
        $0.layer.masksToBounds = true
        $0.currentPage = .zero
        $0.numberOfPages = collectionViewData.count
        $0.direction = .leftToRight
        $0.preferredIndicatorImage = UIImage(systemName: "star")
        $0.preferredCurrentPageIndicatorImage = UIImage(systemName: "star.fill")
        $0.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        return $0



之前一直希望 iOS 能够集成一个类似 FSCalendar 的日历组件,在 iOS 16上终于算是等到了。UICalendarViewUIDatePicker 的内联日历样式,它和 UIDatePicker 最主要的一个区别在于 UICalendarView 将日期表示为 NSDateComponents 而不是 NSDate



  1. 创建一个 UICalendarView 对象,为其设置 delegate 并指定其 calendar 属性。如果需要采用农历,更改 NSCalendar 的初始化即可( Calendar(identifier: .chinese)
  2. 配置多日期选择需要创建一个 UICalendarSelectionMultiDate 对象,并为其 selectedDates 属性进行赋值,再将此对象作为 selectionBehavior 属性传给我们创建的 UICalendarView 对象
  3. 通过 UICalendarViewDelegate 中的 multidateselect: canSelectDate: 方法可以控制哪些日期可以被选择,如防止日历中选中单个日期。无法选择的日期会被置灰。
// Configuring a calendar view with multi-date selection

let calendarView = UICalendarView()
calendarView.delegate = self
calendarView.calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)

let multiDateSelection = UICalendarSelectionMultiDate(delegate: self)
multiDateSelection.selectedDates = myDatabase.selectedDates()
calendarView.selectionBehavior = multiDateSelection

func multiDateSelection(
    _ selection: UICalendarSelectionMultiDate,
    canSelectDate dateComponents: DateComponents
) -> Bool {
    return myDatabase.hasAvailabilities(for: dateComponents)

UICalendarViewDelegate 提供了 calendarView: decorationForDateComponents: 方法对日历中的日期进行装饰。

// Configuring Decorations
func calendarView(
    _ calendarView: UICalendarView, 
    decorationFor dateComponents: DateComponents
) -> UICalendarView.Decoration? {
    switch myDatabase.eventType(on: dateComponents) {
    case .none:
        return nil
    case .busy:
        return .default()
    case .travel:
        return .image(airplaneImage, color: .systemOrange)
    case .party:
        return .customView {




新引入了 BrowserEditor 两种导航样式,目前支持的UINavigationItemStyle 有以下几种


// Adopt the editor navigation style for the navigation item. = .editor

Center Items

center items 是展示在导航栏中间的的控件组,能够提供对应用程序最重要功能的快速访问。


用户可以移动、移除或添加来定制导航栏的 center items。默认不展示的 center items 出现在自定义弹出窗口中,可以通过点击更多按钮中的 Customize Toolbar 菜单访问。

为了实现这一能力,应用程序需要为导航项的customizationIdentifier属性提供一个字符串,UIKit 能够根据这个 identifier 自动保存和恢复用户自定义设定。

/// Setting a non-nil customizationIdentifier enables customization and UIKit will automatically save & restore customizations based on this identifier. The identifier must be unique within the scope of the application.
    @available(iOS 16.0, *)
    open var customizationIdentifier: String?

// Set a customizationIdentifier and add center item groups.
navigationItem.customizationIdentifier = "editorViewCustomization"

配置 center Items 需要为 navigationItem.centerItemGroups 属性赋值

/// Create a fixed group containing this bar button item. UIBarButtonItems may only be in a single UIBarButtonItemGroup at a time, adding a bar button item to a group removes it from any previous group.
    @available(iOS 16.0, *)
    open func creatingFixedGroup() -> UIBarButtonItemGroup

/// Create an optional BarButtonItemGroup containing only this bar button item. UIBarButtonItems may only be in a single UIBarButtonItemGroup at a time, adding a bar button item to a group removes it from any previous group.
    @available(iOS 16.0, *)
    @available(tvOS, unavailable)
    @available(watchOS, unavailable)
    @MainActor public func creatingOptionalGroup(customizationIdentifier: String, isInDefaultCustomization: Bool = true) -> UIBarButtonItemGroup

private func configureCenterItemGroups() {

					navigationItem.centerItemGroups = [
            UIBarButtonItem(primaryAction: UIAction(title: "Sync Scrolling", image: syncScrollingImage) { [unowned self] action in
                if let barButtonItem = action.sender as? UIBarButtonItem {
                    barButtonItem.image = syncScrollingImage
           UIBarButtonItem(primaryAction: UIAction(title: "Add Link", image: UIImage(systemName: "link")) { [unowned self] _ in
            }).creatingOptionalGroup(customizationIdentifier: "addLink")

					UIBarButtonItem(title: "Insert Image", image: UIImage(systemName: "photo"), menu: UIMenu(title: "Insert Image", children: [
                UIAction(title: "From Photo Library", image: UIImage(systemName: "photo.on.rectangle")) { [unowned self] _ in
                    let picker = UIImagePickerController()
                    picker.delegate = self
                    present(picker, animated: true)
                UIAction(title: "From File", image: UIImage(systemName: "folder")) { [unowned self] _ in
                    let picker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(forOpeningContentTypes: [.image], asCopy: true)
                    picker.delegate = self
                    isPickingImageFromFile = true
                    present(picker, animated: true)
                UIAction(title: "Blank Image Tag", image: UIImage(systemName: "tag")) { [unowned self] _ in
            ])).creatingOptionalGroup(customizationIdentifier: "addImage")

center items 针对 Mac Catalyst 的 NSToolbar 和 iPad 并排模式能够实现自动适配。





  1. Document header:包含文件名、文件类型、文件大小、分享菜单等
  2. Suggested title menu:与当前文档相关的建议操作
  3. Custom title menu:自定义操作


Document header

Document header 显示当前文档相关的信息,包括标题、文件类型和大小,还提供了分享或拖放文档的能力。

@available(iOS 16.0, *)
@MainActor open class UIDocumentProperties : NSObject {

    /// When initializing with a url, UIKit will automatically lookup metadata based on the data at that url.
    public init(url: URL)

    /// Initialize with metadata directly when the item is not backed by a url.
    public init(metadata: LPLinkMetadata)

    /// The metadata to use. UIKit will generate this automatically if a url is given at initialization time.
    @NSCopying open var metadata: LPLinkMetadata

    /// To support drag & drop, assign a closure to return an array of drag items corresponding to the represented document.
    open var dragItemsProvider: ((UIDragSession) -> [UIDragItem])?

    /// To support sharing, assign a closure to return a UIActivityViewController configured to share the represented document.
    open var activityViewControllerProvider: (() -> UIActivityViewController)?

    /// If enabled, shows an icon representation of the document in the navigation bar.
    open var wantsIconRepresentation: Bool

如果需要Document header相关能力**,**使用UIDocumentProperties 对象给navigationItem.documentProperties属性赋值即可。

let documentProperties = UIDocumentProperties(url: document.fileURL)
if let itemProvider = NSItemProvider(contentsOf: document.fileURL) {
    documentProperties.dragItemsProvider = { _ in
        [UIDragItem(itemProvider: itemProvider)]
    documentProperties.activityViewControllerProvider = {
        UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [itemProvider], applicationActivities: nil)

navigationItem.title = document.localizedName
navigationItem.documentProperties = documentProperties

Title Menu

配置 title menu 需要给 navigationItem.titleMenuProvider 返回菜单 closure。系统返回给closure了一组 suggested actions,包括移动和复制;应用定义了动作包括文档导出为 HTML 和 PDF。

/// When non-nil, UIKit will generate suggestedActions and call this block to generate a menu that is displayed from the title.
    @available(iOS 16.0, *)
    open var titleMenuProvider: (([UIMenuElement]) -> UIMenu?)?

navigationItem.titleMenuProvider = { suggested in
    let custom = [
        UIMenu(title: "Export…", image: UIImage(systemName: "arrow.up.forward.square"), children: [
            UIAction(title: "HTML", image: UIImage(systemName: "safari")) { [unowned self] _ in
                previewView.exportAsWebArchive(named: document.localizedName, presenter: self)
            UIAction(title: "PDF", image: UIImage(systemName: "doc.richtext")) { [unowned self] _ in
                previewView.exportAsPDF(named: document.localizedName, presenter: self)
    return UIMenu(children: suggested + custom)


public protocol UINavigationItemRenameDelegate : AnyObject {

    /// This method is called when renaming has ended. The title on the navigation item has already been changed when this method is called but
    /// clients can make further adjustments to it when necessary.
    func navigationItem(_: UINavigationItem, didEndRenamingWith title: String)

    /// Controls whether the rename action is supported for the given navigation item. For example this method is called when the navigation bar's
    /// document menu is shown to validate if the rename action should be part of that menu.
    func navigationItemShouldBeginRenaming(_: UINavigationItem) -> Bool

    /// Called when we begin renaming. Implementing this method allows for customizing the initial text that will show up in the text field as well as the
    /// selected range of that text.
    func navigationItem(_: UINavigationItem, willBeginRenamingWith suggestedTitle: String, selectedRange: Range<String.Index>) -> (String, Range<String.Index>)

    /// This method can be used to prevent renaming from happening. However there are cases (e.g. when a new navigation item is pushed on the navigation
    /// bar) where this method will not be called and instead navigationItem:didEndRenamingWithTitle: is called right away. Clients are therefore expected to
    /// handle titles in navigationItem:didEndRenamingWithTitle: for which they would return NO from navigationItem:shouldEndRenamingWithTitle:.
    func navigationItem(_: UINavigationItem, shouldEndRenamingWith title: String) -> Bool

启用该能力需要遵循UINavigationItemRenameDelegate,并使用 navigationItem.renameDelegate 绑定到 self。

navigationItem.renameDelegate = self



Find and Replace

UITextViewWKWebViewPDFView 都支持了系统层级的查找与替换功能。


如果你在开发中的视图是上述 View 的子类,如editorTextViewUITextView 的子类,启用查找和替换只需要一行代码。

editorTextView.isFindInteractionEnabled = true


Edit menu 交互菜单能够针对当前展示的内容提供诸如剪切、粘贴和粘贴等编辑动作。系统会针对当前用户的交互方式提供符合交互的菜单展示形式。



标准的 UIKit 类,如 UITextView 或者 UITextField,已经预先支持了Edit Menu交互,你可以便捷地框选一个地址然后获得类似地图导航的交互菜单选项。


在通用视图中添加 Edit menu 交互菜单

  1. 创建一个 Edit menu 交互对象,并在默认 initializer 传入一个可选的 delegate。
  2. 在视图上调用 addInteraction(_:) 来添加交互对象
  3. 创建一个 gesture recognizer 来触发交互,并将其添加到视图中

以下苹果提供的例子中创建了一个由长按触发的 Edit menu 交互菜单。

override func viewDidLoad() {

    // Add the edit menu interaction.
    editMenuInteraction = UIEditMenuInteraction(delegate: self)

    // Create the gesture recognizer.
    let longPress = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(didLongPress(_:)))
    longPress.allowedTouchTypes = [ as NSNumber]

@objc func didLongPress(_ recognizer: UIGestureRecognizer) {
    let location = recognizer.location(in: self.view)
    let configuration = UIEditMenuConfiguration(identifier: nil, sourcePoint: location)

    if let interaction = editMenuInteraction {
        // Present the edit menu interaction.
        interaction.presentEditMenu(with: configuration)

在 iOS 16 中,侧边栏会在 Slide-over(侧拉)模式下自动显示。UIKit 会管理一组私有视图。



SFSymbols 在 iOS 16 上支持四种 renderingMode,分别是


在 iOS 15 及之前的版本中,默认使用 monochrome 渲染 symbol。

在 iOS 16 如果没有指定renderingMode,默认使用 hierarchical 渲染 symbol,可以通过 UIImage.SymbolConfiguration.preferringMonochrome() 指定渲染方式。


同时增加了对可变 symbol 的支持,即支持根据从 0 到 1 的值变化映射 symbol 的变化,当然,这需要 symbol 自身支持该能力。

假设 App 使用了speaker.3.wave.fill 符号表示当前音量级别,在值为 0 时扬声器波纹消失表示最低音量水平,当该值增加到 1 时扬声器的波形逐渐填充完整,表示音量水平提高。


使用方法也非常简单直白,通过标准的 SF Symbols API 为 UIImage 设置 variableValue 参数即可,甚至将该属性与 renderingMode 组合使用以进一步设计符号的样式。

以下为 GitHub上 @ferhanakkan 的 Demo。

@objc private func sliderDidValueChange(_ sender: UISlider) {
        imageView.image = UIImage(
            systemName: "wifi",
            variableValue: Double(sender.value),
            configuration: UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(paletteColors: [.orange])


学习如何创建自定义变量符号可以观看 Adopt variable color in SF SymbolsWhat’s new in SF Symbols 4 这两个Session。

Swift Concurrency and Sendable

UIKit 现在可以与 Swift Concurrency 同时使用,包括 immutable 类型,如以下的类型遵循了 Sendable

对象可以在 MainActor 和自定义 actor 之间发送而不会收到编译器警告。

苹果提供的例子中,有一个叫做 Processor 的自定义 actor,以及一个被绑定到 MainActor 的叫做 ImageViewer 的 ViewController。在 sendImageForProcessing 方法中 ImageViewer 将图像发送给 Processor进行处理,目前是安全的。

因为 UIImage 是 immutable 类型, Processor 必须创建新的拷贝来执行操作。任何引用原始图像的代码都不会显示这些修改,共享状态也不会发生不安全的变化。


对比一下因为 mutable 而没有遵循 Sendable 的 UIBezierPath,以前只能在文档中表示,现在可以由编译器进行检查。


要了解更多关于 Sendable 和 Swift Concurrency 移步视频 Eliminate data races using Swift ConcurrencyVisualize and optimize Swift Concurrency

UIKit and SwiftUI

过去如果想要实现将 SwiftUI 视图嵌入 UIView 视图,一般需要这么做。

let controller = UIHostingController(rootView: SwiftUIView())
controller.didMove(toParent: self)

在 iOS 16上推出了 UIHostingConfiguration ,你可以在 UICollectionViewUITableView 中以 contentConfiguration 的方式将 SwiftUI 构建的 View 嵌入 cell。

cell.contentConfiguration = UIHostingConfiguration {


最近几年的 WWDC 中看到苹果对于 UIKit 的理解,倡导使用 configuration 的方式构建组件、菜单,一方面参照人机交互指南构建组件能够确保交互不被滥用,另一方面降低了开发者的接入成本。

作为开发者,一起尝试兼容 app 到 iOS 16,适配新的API,探索新的业务可能性吧。


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